Migration of Extensions from one Environment to Another Using Boomi Atomsphere API
Getting Started – Logging into the Boomi Platform
Step-1: Enter your Email Address and Password to log in to your Boomi Account
Step 2: Enter the Authorization code
Step 3: Click on Integration Service to create our process
Step 4: Click on the Create New option, then we can see the process canvas where we can build our process.
Step 5: Once we click on the create a new option, we have to select the process component and it will show the below image.
Step 6: Here we can build our process
Process for migrating the extensions from one environment to another.
- To migrate the extensions between environments, we must first create a sample process and extend a dynamic process property (DPP) and manually deploy the same process to the source.
- We will set the value of the dynamic process property (DPP) in the environment extension in the source environment and save it. And deploy the same process to target environment as well.
- Now in the target environment we can see the DPP but not the value.
- Now let’s start building the sample process.
- Create a similar process with the below details.
Following steps to understand the above diagram:
- Here on the left side, we need to take a Dynamic Document property (DDP_DATA) and assign a Dynamic Process Property (DPP_DATA).
- Once configuring the set property shape attach the stop shape as shown.
- Now click on save and click on extensions.
- Now move to the Dynamic Process Properties tab, click the + button to add the property, give the property name as DPP_DATA, and click ok.
- Save the process.
- Now click on the manage tab and click on atom management.
- Browse to the source environment and click on environment extensions.
- Click on the Dynamic Process Property and the extended DDP_DATA will be seen provide the value as 123456789 and click on ok.
Now extensions are set in the source environment.
- Navigate to build tab, Now click on Create Packaged Component.
- Click on Add details.
- Click on Create Packaged Components.
- Click on deploy.
- Choose the source environment and click on the next versions.
- Click on review.
- Click on deploy.
- Now successful deployment pop-up will appear just click on close.
- Now click on the Deploy tab, click on deployments, and click on the gear icon of the sample process.
- Click on deploy, and choose the target environment, and deploy the sample process to the target environment. (follow the same process as we followed to deploy to the source environment.)
- Now click on the manage tab, then atom management, and browse to the target environment where we have deployed the sample process.
- Click on the environment extensions, and navigate to the Dynamic Process Property.
- Here we will see only the DDP_DATA property but not its value.
- To migrate the extensions from the source to the target environment we will develop another process.
Following steps to understand the above diagram:
- Whenever we take any connector, we have to configure 2 components
1. Connection
2. Operation
- Along with these 2 options, we have to specify an action, which we are going to perform
- Here, this Atom sphere API connector is responsible for fetching the current extensions in a specific environment.
- To fetch the extensions from the source environment, we have to select the action as a Query, and in operation, we have to import one object i.e. EnvironmentExtension.
- This Object will help you to fetch the deployments in a specific environment, to do that, we have to provide Source Environment ID.
Connection Component
- In the connection component, WSDL URL, provide the account ID of the particular account.
- Provide the authentication type as an API Token or Password.
- In username provide the username of the Boomi platform.
- In the case of Token, paste the API token which will be generated at the account level.
- In the case of Password, provide the password of the Boomi platform.
- Now save and close the connection component.
Operation Component
- In the operation component, make the action as query, click on import operation, specify the atom, and click on next.
- Choose the object type as EnvironmentExtensions, click on next.
- Click on environmentId EQUALS and click on Finish.
- Entire operation component looks like this.
- In the parameter, give the source environmentID statically.
- Drag and drop another Boomi Atomsphere connector to the process canvas.
- Configure the connector with the same connection component which we made earlier.
- Make the action as update.
- Click on the + icon on the operation to create a new operation.
- In the operation component, click on import operation, specify the atom, and click on next.
- Choose the object type as EnvironmentExtensions, click on next.
- Now after importing the operation click on Finish.
- The entire operation component looks like this, just click on save and close.
Step – B
- Drag a map shape in between the two Boomi Atomsphere API connectors.
- Create a new map component and name it as shown.
- Now choose the source profile, choose the profile type as XML and in the profile select the response profile of the 1st Boomi atmosphere API connector i.e “Boomi AtomSphere API EnvironmentExtensions QUERY Response”, which we got while importing the operation.
- In the target profile, choose the profile type as XML and in the profile select the request profile of the 2nd Boomi atmosphere API connector i.e. “Boomi AtomSphere API EnvironmentExtensions UPDATE Request”, which we got while importing the operation.
- Using the Boomi suggest make the mappings one to one with the root elements as well as the child elements as well. Finally remove the @environmentId and @id mapping and provide the default value which is the environmentId of the target environment to which the extensions need to be copied.
- Then click on save and close the map component.
- Attach the stop shape at the end.
- Click on save to save the process.
- Now click on test to run the process.
- Process got executed successfully. Now click on manage tab, Atom Management, and browse to the target environment.
- Click on Environment extensions, switch to the Dynamic Process Property.
- In the target environment, we will able to see the extension value.