
Mastering RAML 1.0: A Comprehensive Guide To Data Types, Security Schemes, And Traits

Fragments in RAML Data Types Type: number External Datatype file #%RAML 1.0 DataType Main RAML file:             types:               name: !include /DataTypes/nameDataType.raml /students:               get:           queryParameters:              name:               required: true                 responses:                 200:                  body:                   application/json:                     example: !include Examples/getStudentsResponse.json In the main RAML file, we’ll create a placeholder and we’ll make of that placeholder to refer […]


Choice Router In MuleSoft

Pre-requisites Anypoint Studio: Database: Choice Router In MuleSoft *Note: First we’ll check whether that particular record is present in the DB, if it is there then we’ll update the record, else we’ll insert the record.  Steps: 2. Following the addition of the listener component, include two loggers to mark the beginning and the end of […]


Auto Discovery In MuleSoft

Overview: Steps: 2. Then, mock the API and publish it to Anypoint exchange. 3. Next, create a new Mule project and generate its scaffold structure using the API specification published in Exchange. 4. Next, we’ll be adding two loggers to mark the beginning and the end of the flow. By logging the message “Start of […]



Pre-requisites Any point Studio: Salesforce: Database: Scatter-Gather Router  Steps: 2. Following the addition of the listener component, include two loggers to mark the beginning and the end of the flow. By logging the message “Start of flow” ++ ( as String), in expression mode. 3. Now we’ll add read component by configure the connector configuration […]