
Developer Portal

What is a Developer Portal? their application. What are the Benefits of Using the Developer Portal? Using the Developer Portal allows users to access published APIs and has a number of benefits. 1. Engagement: Your developer community can browse the API Catalog to: 2. Self-Service: 3. Control: Preconfiguration before creating a developer portal: Request profile-JSON […]



Integration Editions: Boomi offers different tiers of subscriptions called Integration Editions. When you purchase integration, you have a choice of these editions to choose from. The following editions are available: Note: The Integration Edition doesn’t change how the licensing works but it may affect services that can be available with the particular edition. To know in […]


Remove Emojis From The Payload

Remove emojis from the given file In this blog we will remove the emojis from the payload, sample input and output documents are given below: Input: Expected Output: Now go to the Boomi Atomsphere Platform to start the integration. Step 1: Go to Use Email Address and Password to log into the Boomi platform […]