
Integration with Solace Pub-Sub

What is Solace queue?  A queue acts as both a destination where clients can publish messages to and as an endpoint that clients can bind consumers to and consume messages from. A queue is typically used in a point-to-point (PTP) messaging environment. It’s also possible to add topic subscriptions to a queue so messages published […]


Fetching Specific Fields From Database Table

In this blog, let us discuss how to capture and fetch those fields that are coming in the request profile from a Database table. First, let us see the payload that would be the request: {   “requestCount”: 2,   “requests”:[     {       “studentId”: “abc”,       “fields”: [“emailId”,”percentage”,”grade”,”firstName”,”lastName”,”studentId”,”branch”,”YearOfJoining”]     },     {       “studentId”: […]


Different Process Modes In Boomi

As there are three types of modes in Boomi, In this blog, we will learn about Boomi’s new mode, Bridge mode, and the differences between Bridge, General, and Low Latency modes. Bridge Mode: A new process mode called Bridge has been introduced for Integrations. This mode of execution provides low latency-like performance with more granular […]