Integration With Atom Queue in Boomi
In this Blog let us see
- How to integrate Atom Queue in Boomi.
- What are Dead Letter Queues
- Pros and Cons of Atom Queue
What is Atom Queue?
Atom supports message queuing which means messages are managed by a shared server queue embedded in the atom. Each queue component specifies the configuration of a message queue, including its name and the messaging model with which the message queue can be used. Deploying an Atom Queue connector does not affect your license count.
In this Use Case, we have 2 processes where process 1 reads a file from Disk Connector and sends it to the Atom Queue. Process 2 will read a message from Atom Queue and send it to the ORACLE database.
Let us begin with the steps.
Step 1: Log on to the Boomi platform ( with the required credentials i.e. Email Address and Password.
Step 2: Once logged into the Boomi platform, we will be able to view the Home page.
Step 3: Now, click on Services followed by Integration. We will see the Build page. Click on New.
Step 4: Once, click on New, we will be able to see three fields i.e. Type, Component Name and Folder.
- Select Type as process as we are building a process. Component Name and Folder can be given based on your choice (i.e. which name to be given and where do we want to create the process). Click on Create.
Step 5: We see that the process gets created with a start shape which is configured with AS2 Shared Server by default.
Step 6: Select the start shape and choose No Data. Click ok.
Step 7: Drag and drop the disk connector shape onto the process canvas to read a file from a specific directory.
- We have to configure 3 fields in connector i.e. Action, Connector and Operation.
- We see 2 actions i.e. Get and Send in Actions.
Get – To get the data from a disk location.
Send – To send to the disk location.
- Here, we will choose action as GET as we are reading the file.
- Click + on connection to create a new one.
- Name the file and give the directory from where we want to read the file. Here, we are reading JSON files from D drive and BoomiExamples folder as shown in the screenshot.
- Click save and close
- Now, we will configure the operation. Click + on operation to create a new one.
- Name the operation and configure the following.
- File Filter: Read-only files with a file name that matches the file filter. Here, it will be Acc.json
File Matching Type:
- Wildcards uses simple file filters like * and. * represent multiple characters and ? represents a single character.
- Regular Expressions can include complex regular expressions.
- Exact Match includes the filename that we are reading.
- Here, the file matching type would be Exact Match as we are giving the file name.
- Maximum files to read: It sets the maximum number of files to be read at one time. Let it be default i.e..
- Delete files after reading: If we want the file to be read and deleted, we can check this option. Here, we are leaving it to default. Click save and close
- The complete disk operation looks like this,
Step 8: First, we need to create a queue to store the message. Click on New as shown in the screenshot.
Step 9: Select Type as Queue as we are creating a queue to store the message. The component name will be Test Queue and save it in the Folder where you are creating the process. Click on Create.
- Name the queue as Queue Demo. Click save and close.
Step 10: Drag and drop Atom Queue connector onto the process canvas and we have to configure Action, Connection and Operation.
- We have 2 actions i.e. GET and SEND. Here, Action will be Send as we are sending message to the atom queue.
Step 11: Click + on connection and name it accordingly.
- Choose the atom queue which we have created. Here, it will be Test Queue. Click save and close.
Step 12: Click + on Operation and name it. Leave all the fields with default options. Click save and close.
Step 13: Drag and drop stop shape on to the process canvas to indicate the end of the flow.
Step 14: Arrange all the shapes in an order and test it by configuring the local atom.
Step 15: We see that the process has been executed. Click on view source to see the output.
Step 16: Once, we open the document, this is how file looks like
Step 17: To see the queue, Go to Manage > Atom Management and Click on the atom which we have configured.
Step 18: Next, go to Queue Management and we see a message existing in the queue.
- Click on view messages as shown below.
- Click on Number of Documents (i.e. 1).
- We see the document size and click on view document details to see the message existing in Atom Queue.
- We see that the Json file reading from disk has been sent to Atom queue.
Step 19: Now, we will create other process which reads message from the atom queue and send it to the database. Click on New as shown and follow steps 4 and 5 which are mentioned above.
Step 20: Configure start shape with connector type as shown.
Step 21: Choose connector as Atom Queue. We have two Actions as GET and LISTEN. We will set it to listen as it will listen to the messages which comes into the queue and trigger the process automatically and reads the message.
Step 22: Do not click on + and choose the same connection which we have configured in 1st process (i.e. Send Atom Queue Connection)
Step 23: Click + on Operation and name it as Read_Atom Queue _Operation. Leave all the options to default. Click save and close.
Assuming that we have created a table named as Accounts in Oracle Database with 3 fields named as Account Id, Account Name and branch, will follow the below steps.
Step 24: We will configure the database connector to place the message in database which we receive from atom queue. Here, we are using ORACLE database. Drag and drop database connector onto process canvas.
- Here, we have 2 actions i.e. Get and Send.
GET—To get the data from database.
SEND—To send the data to database.
- Action will be send as we are sending the data to database.
Step 25: Click + on connection and name it accordingly. Configure the following details as shown.
- Driver Type: Select the required Database from Dropdown. Choose Oracle as we are integrating with Oracle Database.
- User Name and Password: Give the Database user name and password.
- Host: Give the name or IP Address of the Database.
- Port: It is used to connect to Database Server. Default port for Oracle is 1521.
- Database Name: Give the Database name of the server.
- Click save and close.
Step 26: Click + on operation and name it. Click on profile as shown below.
Step 27: Give it a name and select statement. Choose Type as Dynamic Insert and click on import.
Step 28: Chose the atom and connection. Add the table name as ACCOUNTS in Object Filter and click Next.
- Choose a table and select all the fields. Click Next.
- We see a success message that profile has been imported. Click on finish.
- We see that the fields are imported from the table. Click save, close and ok.
Step 29: Let us map Json profile to Database profile and send it to Database. Drag and drop Map shape onto the process canvas. Click + and Name the map.
- Add source side and Destination side profiles to the map. Here, source side would be JSON profile and Destination side will be Database profile. First, we will add Source profile. Click choose and select the folder where we saved the profile.
- Here, Profile Type will be JSON and click on Create New Profile.
- Name the profile and click on import.
- Choose the file from the directory where we have saved the file. Click on Next.
- We see that the profile is imported.
Step 30: Now, add the destination profile. Click choose on the right side as shown.
- Profile Type will be Database and select the Database profile which we have imported in the previous steps. Click ok.
- We see that source and destination profiles have been imported. Provide one to one mapping from source to destination. Save and close.
Step 31: Drag and drop stop shape onto the process canvas to indicate the end of the flow.
Step 32: Arrange all shapes in the order and deploy the process. Click on create packaged component as shown below.
- The process gets selected automatically. Click Add Details.
- Next, select the version and write notes if you have any. Click on create packaged component.
- Now, we see that the package has been created successfully and click on deploy.
- We will then have to select the environment. Choose production and click select version and review.
- We will be asked to cross check the environment which we have configured in deployment tab.
- Once, we click on deploy we will be able to see that deployment is done successfully.
Step 33: Now, we will test the first process and second process will automatically gets triggered and listens to the request.
Step 34: We see that the process has been executed. Click on view source to see the output.
Step 35: Go to Manage > Process Reporting and we see that the second process (i.e. Read_From_AtomQueue) has been executed automatically without errors.
Step 36: We see that the message has been read from the queue and got inserted into database. If we look at the database table, we see 2 records have been inserted.
NOTE: If something goes wrong in the above process, the failure messages will go into the Dead Letter Queue.
Now, let us see what are Dead Letter Queues.
What are Dead Letter Queues?
Dead Letter Queues contain failure of messages. When a failure occurs, the shared queue server will attempt to redeliver the message up to six more times. After the failures, the Dead Letter Queue will be created corresponding to the Destination Queue and the failed messages will be placed in the dead letter queue.
- We will see the concept of dead letter queues for the same Use Case. We have given wrong credentials for the data base so that the error pops out and the message gets inserted into Dead Letter Queue after seven attempts.
- We will run Send_To_Atom Queue process in Test Mode and monitor Read_From_AtomQueue in Process Reporting tab to see the retries and error message.
Step 37: We see that first process is executed and the message is pushed into the Atom Queue.
Step 38: Go to Manage > Process Reporting and monitor the second process. We see that process had failed to execute due to the wrong credentials and the shared queue server had attempted to redeliver the message up to six more times.
Step 39: The failure message will now be sent to the Dead Letter Queue. Go to Manage > Atom Management
Step 40: Select the atom and click on Queue Management. We see that there is a message existing in Dead Letter Queue.
Step 41: To see the failure message, click on Actions and choose view Dead Letters.
Step 42: Click on Number of Documents followed by View Document Details.
Step 43: We now see the document which has sent to the Dead Letter Queue.
Step 44: We have an option of Retrying the message and Delete the message in Dead Letter Queue. Here, we will retry and push the message from Dead Letter Queue to the Main Queue i.e. (Queue_Demo) by selecting All Dead Letters in the Queue.
Step 45: We will be asked if we want to send messages from dead letter queue to Main Queue. Choose ok.
Step 46: We see that message had been pushed into Queue_Demo which is the main Queue. Click on Back to All Messages > Back to All Queues and refresh it.
Pros and Cons of Atom Queue
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Atom Queues are simple, robust and reliable. |
Messages cannot be sent between accounts and cannot be directly accessed from outside the Atom |
Atom message queueing can be used to monitor Event based tracking and schedule based tracking |
If the requirement is to set up a messaging service out of Boomi scope, then we don’t prefer Atom Queues |
Message queues can persist messages until they are fully processed |
No guarantee of message delivery in atom queue |
Atom message queueing allows you to scale your system when the number of messages grows by adding more listeners to a queue |
If all the processes run on single atom, then a process can publish on Atom queue and other processes can subscribe to the message only if they are on same atom |
Processes writing and reading data execute independently of each other in a real-time scenario in atom queues |
Atom Queue is not designed to be an actual message service like JMS and compared to JMS based message queuing systems, it offers a limited set of features |
If the scope of your messaging service is within a single atom, then we can use Atom Queue |
Atom Queue life is within the atom which means messages published in atom cannot be consumed by any applications outside the atom |
Dead letter queues helps in increasing accuracy about information transferred and shared with other servers |
Boomi does not provide the ability to interact with dead letter queues during process execution |